How to Photograph jewelry for Etsy?

How to Photograph jewelry for Etsy?
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Selling jewelry on Etsy requires more than just great craftsmanship; it also demands captivating photographs that showcase your pieces in the best light. High-quality images are essential for attracting potential buyers and convincing them to purchase. In this guide, we'll share practical tips and techniques to help you capture stunning jewelry photos that stand out on Etsy.

The right lighting, background, and angles can significantly affect how your jewelry is perceived online. We'll explore various lighting options, including natural light and affordable artificial setups, to ensure your pieces sparkle in every shot. Additionally, we'll discuss the importance of choosing the right background to complement your jewelry and enhance its appeal.

Whether you're using a professional camera or a smartphone, we've got you covered with step-by-step instructions and expert advice. From selecting the best props to mastering the art of close-up shots, you'll learn everything you need to create eye-catching photos that elevate your Etsy listings. Get ready to take your jewelry photography to the next level and boost your sales with our comprehensive guide.

The Value of Good Jewelry Photos on Etsy

In the competitive marketplace of Etsy, the quality of your jewelry photos can significantly impact your success. High-quality images attract potential buyers bui,ld trust, and convey the value of your craftsmanship. Good photos showcase your pieces' intricate details and unique features, setting you apart from the competition.

Additionally, professional-looking images enhance your brand's image, creating a cohesive and appealing shop aesthetic. By investing in excellent photography, you can increase engagement, boost sales, and foster repeat business, ultimately driving the long-term success of your Etsy shop.

  • Attract Attention: High-quality photos help your jewelry stand out among the vast number of listings on Etsy. Captivating images grab the attention of potential buyers as they browse, making them more likely to click on your products and explore further. This initial attraction is crucial for increasing traffic to your shop and enhancing visibility in search results.

  • Build Trust: Clear, detailed images give buyers a transparent view of their purchase. When buyers can see the product clearly, including its quality and details, they are more likely to trust your shop. This trust reduces hesitation and increases the likelihood of a purchase, as buyers feel confident in the accuracy of the product representation.

  • Showcase Craftsmanship: Good photos allow you to highlight the intricate details, textures, and colors of your jewelry, emphasizing the skill and effort that went into creating each piece. This not only showcases the uniqueness of your designs but also sets your jewelry apart from mass-produced items, appealing to buyers who appreciate fine craftsmanship and originality.

  • Communicate Value: High-quality images help justify your pricing by clearly displaying the quality and uniqueness of your jewelry. When buyers can see the fine details and superior craftsmanship, they understand the value of your work. This visual communication supports your pricing strategy and convinces buyers that your pieces are worth the investment.

  • Enhance Brand Image: Consistent, high-quality photos contribute to a cohesive and professional look for your Etsy shop. Establishing a recognizable style through your images helps create a strong brand identity that customers can easily associate with your products. A polished brand image builds credibility and makes your shop more appealing to potential buyers.

  • Encourage Repeat Business: Attractive photos leave a lasting impression on customers, encouraging them to return to your shop for future purchases. Satisfied customers who are pleased with their initial purchase and the visual appeal of your products are more likely to become repeat buyers. Additionally, they are more inclined to recommend your shop to friends and family, expanding your customer base.

  • Increase Sales: Better photos lead to higher engagement, as visually appealing listings attract more clicks and interest. Improved visual appeal translates to higher conversion rates, as potential buyers are more likely to make a purchase when they are impressed by the quality of the images. Ultimately, this results in increased sales and growth for your Etsy shop.

How to Photograph Jewelry for Etsy?

Taking product photos of jewelry comes with a unique set of challenges. To help you create the best impression and show customers what you have to offer, we'll start with some general tips on jewelry photography. Then, we'll move into the types of photos you need for your online jewelry store, photography tips specific to Etsy as a platform (like product photo dimensions and requirements), and some easy editing tips you can use to elevate your visuals after the shoot is over.

Before diving into the specifics of photographing jewelry for Etsy, it's crucial to understand the fundamentals of jewelry photography. Here are the top tips to keep in mind:

Rule 1: Direct Sunlight is Your BFF

Photography lighting can be tricky, especially with shiny or reflective items like jewelry. Natural light is the best option as it avoids harsh reflections and maintains color balance. Photograph your jewelry near a large window with indirect sunlight or even outdoors to achieve the best results.

Rule 2: Go Big on Small Details

Use the macro setting on your camera or a macro lens to capture the fine details of your jewelry. Smartphones like the iPhone 13 Pro and Samsung S21 Ultra have built-in macro settings that can help you get close-up shots without needing a professional camera. Avoid using Zoom; instead, move closer to your jewelry to highlight intricate details.

Rule 3: Simple Backgrounds Work Best

A plain white backdrop is ideal for jewelry photography as it ensures the focus remains on the jewelry itself and helps capture accurate colors. If you don't have a suitable backdrop, you can remove the original background using an editing app like Pixelcut.

Rule 4: Polish Your Jewelry Beforehand

Make sure your jewelry is clean and polished before photographing. Close-up photos will highlight any smudges or dirt, so it's essential to start with pristine pieces.

Rule 5: Position Your Jewelry with Care

Experiment with different angles to find the best way to showcase each piece of jewelry. Consider using a self-timer or recruiting a friend to model the jewelry, as showing it worn can make it more appealing to potential buyers.

Step 2: Decide What Type of Photos to Feature

Including a variety of photo types in your Etsy listings can help attract more buyers. Consider the following:

Lifestyle Photos

These photos show the jewelry being worn in a real-life context. For example, a ring might be shown on someone's finger as they turn a page in a book.

Studio Shots

These are more controlled photos showing the jewelry against a neutral background, emphasizing the piece's features without distractions.

Photos that Provide a Sense of Scale

Scale shots help customers understand the size of the jewelry. This can be achieved with lifestyle shots or by placing the jewelry next to common objects.

Detail Shots

Detail shots provide a close-up view of the jewelry, allowing customers to appreciate the craftsmanship and fine details.

Collection Images

If your jewelry is part of a set, include group shots to show how pieces complement each other. This can inspire customers to purchase multiple items.

Behind-the-Scenes Photos

Show the artisan process behind your jewelry to give customers a glimpse into how their favorite pieces are made.

Step 3: Optimize Your Photographs for Etsy

Follow these tips to ensure your photos are optimized for Etsy:

Use the Proper Shape for Thumbnail Photos

Thumbnails should be either landscape or square, with a decent margin around the jewelry. This ensures they can be safely cropped into a square frame for your shop homepage.

Remember that Size Matters

Etsy recommends images be 2,000 pixels or more on the shortest side with a resolution of 72 PPI. The ideal ratio for thumbnails is 4:3. Review Etsy's official image requirements to ensure your photos meet the platform's standards.

Follow Etsy Requirements

Etsy allows up to ten images per product listing. Ensure your files are in .jpg, .gif, or .png formats, as animated files are not supported.

Step 4: Use the Magic of Editing to Your Advantage

Editing can significantly enhance your photos:

Remove Imperfections from Your Final Images

Editing software can help you remove dust and unwanted reflections and adjust the color balance to ensure your jewelry looks perfect.

Replace or Remove Distracting Backgrounds

If the background is distracting, use an editing tool to replace it with a solid color or pattern.

Use Templates for a Consistent Look

Templates can help you maintain a consistent style across all your photos, saving time and ensuring a cohesive look for your shop. Apps like Pixelcut offer ready-to-use templates to kickstart your editing process.

By following these steps, you can create high-quality photos that enhance your Etsy listings, attract more buyers, and boost your sales.

Recommended Equipment for your Etsy Jewelry Shoot

Photographing jewelry for Etsy requires specific tools to capture the fine details and beauty of your pieces. Here's a list of recommended equipment to ensure your jewelry photos are top-notch:

1. Camera

Nikon Camera for photoshoot

  • DSLR or Mirrorless Camera: For the best image quality, a DSLR or mirrorless camera with a macro lens is ideal. These cameras offer superior detail and flexibility in settings.
  • Smartphone: High-end smartphones like the iPhone 13 Pro or Samsung S21 Ultra have excellent camera capabilities, including macro settings for close-up shots.

2. Macro Lens

Macro Lens for Photoshoot

  • For DSLR/Mirrorless Cameras: A macro lens (e.g60, mm focal length) is essential for capturing detailed close-ups of your jewelry.
  • Clip-On Macro Lens for Smartphones: If using a smartphone, consider investing in a clip-on macro lens to enhance your close-up photography.

3. Tripod

Tripod for Photoshoot

  • Camera Tripod: A sturdy tripod ensures your camera remains stable, preventing blurry images and allowing for consistent framing.
  • Smartphone Tripod: If using a smartphone, a flexible tripod or stand can help keep your device steady.

4. Lighting

Lighting For PhotoShoot

  • Natural Light: Utilise natural light by photographing near a large window with indirect sunlight.
  • Artificial Light: If natural light is insufficient, use softbox lights or LED light panels. Position them to create even lighting without harsh shadows.
  • Lightbox: A lightbox can provide diffused, even lighting, which is particularly useful for small items like jewelry.

5. Reflectors and Diffusers

Reflectors and Diffusers for photoshoot

  • Reflectors: Use reflectors to bounce light and fill in shadows, ensuring even illumination of your jewelry.
  • Diffusers: Diffusers help soften harsh light, reducing glare and reflections on shiny surfaces.

6. Backgrounds

Backgrounds for photoshoot

  • Plain White Background: A plain white backdrop is ideal for jewelry photography as it keeps the focus on the jewelry and ensures accurate color representation.
  • Photography Background Paper: Available in various colors and textures, these can be used to add variety while maintaining a clean look.

7. Props and Holders

Props and Holders for Photoshoot

  • Jewelry Stands and Holders: Use stands, holders, or mannequins to display your jewelry attractively and from different angles.
  • Props: Simple, complementary props can enhance the visual appeal of your photos without overwhelming the jewelry.

8. Editing Software

Editing Software for Photoshoot

  • Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop: These powerful tools allow for extensive photo editing, including color correction, background removal, and retouching.
  • Free Alternatives: GIMP and Pixlr offer many of the same features as paid software and are excellent for basic editing needs.
  • Mobile Apps: Apps like Pixelcut and Snapseed are great for on-the-go editing, offering features like background removal and color correction.

9. Cleaning Supplies

Cleaning Supplies

  • Jewelry Cleaning Cloths: Ensure your jewelry is free of dust, smudges, and fingerprints before photographing.
  • Compressed Air: Use compressed air to remove any tiny particles that may be difficult to see but show up in close-up shots.

By investing in the right equipment, you can significantly enhance the quality of your jewelry photos, making your Etsy listings more attractive and professional. This investment not only helps in capturing the beauty and details of your pieces but also boosts your credibility and increases the likelihood of sales.

How to Use Props In Etsy Jewelry Photos?

Using props effectively in your Etsy jewelry photos can add context, enhance visual appeal, and help your products stand out. Here are some tips and ideas for incorporating props into your jewelry photography:

1. Choose Complementary Props

  • Keep It Simple: Select props that complement your jewelry without overshadowing it. Neutral colors and simple designs work best.
  • Themed Props: Use props that align with the theme of your jewelry. For example, beach-themed items for ocean-inspired jewelry or vintage books for antique-style pieces.

2. Create a Cohesive Look

  • Consistent Style: Maintain a consistent style across your photos. If you use rustic props in one image, continue this theme throughout your shop for a cohesive look.
  • Color Harmony: Choose props that match or complement the color scheme of your jewelry to create a harmonious look.

3. Highlight the Jewelry

  • Focus: Ensure the jewelry remains the focal point. Props should enhance, not distract from, the main product.
  • Balance: Arrange props around the jewelry in a balanced way, guiding the viewer’s eye toward the piece.

4. Use Natural Elements

  • Flowers and Leaves: Fresh or dried flowers and leaves can add a natural, organic feel to your photos.
  • Stones and Shells: These can be used to highlight nature-inspired jewelry pieces.

5. Incorporate Everyday Objects

  • Books and Journals: These props can give a cozy, intellectual vibe to your photos.
  • Mugs and Teacups: For a homey, inviting feel, use everyday items like mugs and teacups.

6. Display for Scale

  • Common Items: Use common items like coins, rulers, or hands to show the size of your jewelry. This helps customers understand the scale.
  • Jewelry Boxes: Displaying jewelry in a box can provide context and make the size more apparent.

7. Show Usage Context

  • Fashion Accessories: Pair your jewelry with complementary fashion accessories, like scarves or hats, to show how they can be styled.
  • Clothing: Display your pieces alongside clothing items to give customers ideas on how to wear them.

8. Use Mannequins and Models

  • Mannequins: These are great for displaying necklaces, earrings, and rings, giving a clear view of how they look when worn.
  • Live Models: Using live models can make your jewelry more relatable and appealing, showing how it looks in real life.

9. Seasonal and Holiday Themes

  • Seasonal Props: Incorporate seasonal elements like autumn leaves, spring flowers, or summer shells to make your photos relevant to the time of year.
  • Holiday Decor: Use holiday-specific props, like ornaments for Christmas or pumpkins for Halloween, to attract seasonal shoppers.

10. Keep It Authentic

  • Artisan Tools: Show tools and materials used in the creation of your jewelry to highlight the handmade aspect and add authenticity.
  • Workspace Elements: Including elements from your workspace can give a behind-the-scenes feel that resonates with Etsy shoppers.

10 Tips for Etsy Jewelry Photography

Mastering Etsy jewelry photography is crucial for attracting buyers. These ten expert tips cover everything from using natural light and macro lenses to editing techniques and prop usage. Each tip aims to enhance your photos, making your jewelry shine and driving sales on Etsy.

1. Use Natural Lighting

Natural lighting is crucial for jewelry photography because it provides a soft, diffused light that enhances the details and colors of your pieces. Position your jewelry near a large window where indirect sunlight creates a gentle glow without harsh shadows or reflections. If shooting outdoors, choose a shaded area to avoid direct sunlight, which can create unwanted highlights and dark shadows.

Natural light also helps in capturing the sparkle and shine of gemstones and metals, making your jewelry appear more appealing and true-to-life in photos. By utilizing natural light effectively, you can achieve photos that are bright, well-balanced, and visually appealing to potential buyers browsing through your Etsy shop.

2. Invest in a Macro Lens

A macro lens is essential for capturing the intricate details of jewelry up close. With a focal length typically around 60mm, these lenses allow you to fill the frame with small objects like rings, earrings, and pendants, capturing every facet and texture with clarity.

If you're using a DSLR or mirrorless camera, investing in a quality macro lens will significantly enhance your ability to showcase the craftsmanship and unique features of your jewelry. For smartphone photographers, consider purchasing a clip-on macro lens attachment, which can provide similar close-up capabilities without the need for a dedicated camera setup.

3. Use a Tripod

Using a tripod is essential for maintaining stability and consistency in your jewelry photography. A stable camera setup prevents blurry images caused by camera shake, especially when shooting at close distances with a macro lens. It allows you to fine-tune your composition and focus without the risk of introducing motion blur. Tripods also enable you to experiment with different angles and perspectives, ensuring each shot is sharp and well-framed.

For smartphone users, flexible tripods designed for mobile devices offer versatility in positioning and adjusting heights, making them ideal for capturing detailed shots of jewelry from various angles. Whether shooting in natural light or a controlled studio environment, a tripod is a valuable tool for achieving professional-looking jewelry photos that stand out on Etsy.

4. Choose a Simple Background

The background plays a crucial role in jewelry photography, as it helps to highlight the jewelry itself and create a clean, professional look. Opt for plain white or neutral-colored backgrounds that don't distract from the jewelry.

A simple backdrop allows the colors and details of your pieces to stand out, ensuring accurate representation to potential buyers. Avoid cluttered or busy backgrounds that can detract from the main subject and make your photos appear less polished. By keeping the background simple and neutral, you create a cohesive aesthetic that enhances the overall appeal of your Etsy listings, making it easier for customers to focus on the beauty and craftsmanship of your jewelry.

5. Clean and Polish Your Jewelry

Before photographing your jewelry, it's essential to ensure that each piece is clean and polished to perfection. Use a soft jewelry cleaning cloth to remove fingerprints, smudges, and any dust particles that may detract from the overall appearance of your pieces. Clean jewelry not only looks more attractive but also photographs better, allowing you to capture the shine and sparkle of gemstones and metals more effectively.

Pay special attention to intricate details and settings that can easily trap dirt or tarnish. By starting with clean jewelry, you set the stage for high-quality photos that accurately represent the beauty and craftsmanship of your pieces, ultimately enhancing their appeal to potential buyers browsing through your Etsy shop.

6. Experiment with Angles

Experimenting with different angles is key to showcasing the unique features and details of your jewelry. Each piece may have specific design elements or textures that look best from certain perspectives. Try capturing shots from the front, sides, and even the back to provide a comprehensive view of your jewelry's craftsmanship.

Angles can also affect how light interacts with gemstones and metals, highlighting their brilliance and depth. By exploring various angles during your photoshoot, you can discover the most flattering views that accentuate the beauty and intricacy of your pieces. This experimentation allows you to create a diverse portfolio of photos that appeal to different tastes and preferences among potential buyers on Etsy.

7. Incorporate Props Wisely

When using props in jewelry photography, it's essential to choose items that complement your pieces without overshadowing them. Props can add context, enhance visual interest, and create a lifestyle narrative around your jewelry. Opt for simple and neutral props that align with the style and theme of your pieces.

For example, using a jewelry stand or a small tray can provide a practical way to display necklaces or rings, giving customers a better sense of how the jewelry might be worn or stored. Props like books, flowers, or fabrics can add texture and depth to your photos, creating a visually appealing composition that tells a story about your brand and products. By incorporating props wisely, you can create engaging photos that capture attention, convey style, and attract potential buyers browsing through your Etsy shop.

8. Show Scale and Wearability

Providing context for scale and wearability is essential in jewelry photography to help customers visualize the size and fit of your pieces. Include items such as coins, rulers, or hands in your photos to give viewers a clear idea of the jewelry's dimensions. This helps to manage expectations and ensures that customers make informed decisions when purchasing online.

Additionally, showing your jewelry being worn on a model or mannequin allows potential buyers to see how it looks in real-life settings. This demonstration of scale and wearability enhances the perceived value of your jewelry and encourages confidence in potential buyers, ultimately increasing the likelihood of sales on Etsy.

9. Edit Your Photos

Post-processing your photos is crucial for refining their quality and ensuring they accurately represent your jewelry. Use photo editing software like Adobe Lightroom or Photoshop to adjust brightness, contrast, and color balance. Enhance details and sharpen edges to highlight the intricate craftsmanship of your pieces. Remove any imperfections such as dust spots, unwanted reflections, or background distractions to create clean, professional-looking images.

Editing also allows you to maintain consistency across your photos, ensuring a cohesive look for your Etsy shop. For smartphone photographers, mobile editing apps like Snapseed or VSCO offer powerful tools for editing on the go, making it easier to enhance your photos and optimize them for online listings. By mastering photo editing techniques, you can elevate the visual appeal of your jewelry, attract more attention from potential buyers, and ultimately increase sales on Etsy.

10. Optimize for Etsy

Optimizing your photos for Etsy involves following the platform's guidelines and best practices to ensure your listings stand out. Use high-resolution images that are at least 2,000 pixels on the shortest side with a resolution of 72 PPI. This ensures that your photos appear crisp and clear on both desktop and mobile devices. Please pay attention to the thumbnail image, which is the first visual impression buyers see, and ensure it's well-cropped and visually appealing.

Maintain a consistent style and presentation across all your photos to create a cohesive brand identity for your Etsy shop. By adhering to Etsy's image requirements and optimizing your photos effectively, you can enhance the visibility of your jewelry listings, attract more potential buyers, and increase sales on the platform.

Remove the Background of Photos with

Enhance your product photos effortlessly with, a powerful tool that automates background removal. Perfect for Etsy sellers, it ensures clean, professional-looking images that highlight your jewelry or products against any backdrop. Simplify your editing process and elevate your Etsy listings with Erase. bg's seamless background removal capabilities.

Step 1 - Upload Your Image: Go to the website or open the app. Upload the photo from which you want to remove the background.

Step 1: Upload Your Image

Step 2 - Automatic Background Removal: uses AI to detect and remove the background from your image automatically. Wait for the process to complete.

Step 2: Automatic Background Removal

Stem 3 - Download Your Transparent Image: Once the background is removed, preview the result. If satisfied, download the edited image with a transparent background.

Download Your Transparent Image


Incorporating these photography tips will elevate your Etsy jewelry listings, capturing the attention of potential buyers with professional, enticing visuals. By mastering lighting, angles, props, and editing, you can effectively showcase your jewelry's beauty and craftsmanship, ultimately boosting sales and success on the platform.


Why is natural lighting important for jewelry photography?

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Natural lighting provides a soft, diffused light that enhances the details and colors of jewelry, making it appear more appealing and true-to-life in photos. It reduces harsh reflections and shadows, creating a balanced and professional look.

Do I need a professional camera for Etsy jewelry photography?

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While a professional camera can enhance photo quality, many sellers achieve excellent results using smartphones with good camera capabilities. Investing in a macro lens for close-up shots can significantly improve the clarity of your jewelry photos.

How should I clean my jewelry before photographing it?

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Use a soft jewelry cleaning cloth to remove fingerprints, smudges, and dust from your jewelry. Ensure each piece is polished and spotless to capture its shine and details effectively in photos.

What props should I use in jewelry photography?

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Choose props that complement your jewelry without overshadowing it. Simple and neutral props like jewelry stands, fabric backgrounds, or natural elements (like flowers or leaves) can add context and enhance visual appeal.

How do I optimize my photos for Etsy?

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Optimize your photos by following Etsy’s guidelines, such as using high-resolution images (at least 2,000 pixels on the shortest side), ensuring proper cropping for thumbnail images, and maintaining a consistent style across your listings.

Should I edit my jewelry photos?

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Editing can enhance your photos by adjusting brightness, contrast, and color balance, removing imperfections, and ensuring consistency. Use photo editing software or mobile apps to refine your images and make them more appealing to potential buyers.

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Based on 422 ratings
4.7 out of 5

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