Here Are The Tips For Taking A Professional Photo For CV

Do you need a professional photo for your CV but seems to be camera-shy? In this article, you will learn the best techniques and procedures for how to take a professional CV photo. We'll help you in each step, from selecting the best posture to DIYing your photos and finding a professional photographer. Let's get started.
Why is it Important to have a Professional Photo for your CV?
Regardless of your level of camera proficiency, it takes courage to take pictures of yourself or to present yourself in a specific way, which can be challenging for some individuals. However, the following justifies the need for a CV photo:
1. Adding a picture of your face to your CV improves your brand and gives the company an idea of what to expect.
2. Furthermore, it enables you to actively showcase your most excellent qualities to prospective employers rather than having them look through Facebook pictures back from 2012.
3. Employers review several applications each day; adding a photo will help you stand out from the crowd and get people's attention.
Overall, having one will increase your chances of getting the job. However, depending on the country in which you live, it might be fine without a photo. In some countries, like the United States, the United Kingdom, and Ireland, where labour and anti-discrimination laws are operating quite rigorously, hiring managers to avoid creating applicant profiles based on factors such as race, gender, age, and attractiveness.
If you're searching for employment in the majority of European nations as well as those in South America, Africa, and Asia, it won't harm to add a professional CV photo. However, this again depends on your sector and the demands of your position. Are CV photos necessary at all? We recommend choosing a professional photo for your CV and making a good first impression.
If you're required to submit a CV, invest money in at least a couple of professional photos. Your self-confidence and professional image will both benefit greatly. Taking a professional picture of yourself to upload on LinkedIn or other social media platforms is a good idea to link to it in your application email in case you need help deciding whether to put it in your CV.
Tips For Taking A Professional Photo for CV at Home
Now that you've decided to go for it, here are our top recommendations for creating a professional CV photo at home.
1. Asked someone to take your picture
Hiring a professional photographer is a wise decision. But, if this isn't possible for you, then go for someone you know who can take your professional photo for your CV. When you're with someone you can trust, you're more likely to relax and feel completely at ease.
This could provide instructions on what buttons to press to record videos and photos. A genuine grin appears when your shoulders relax and your posture softens. Your resume photo is one of the few things that will make you stand out.
2. Find the posture for you
Positioning yourself correctly is essential when applying for any job. No, it doesn't involve holding a book balanced on your head, but you should consider the following recommended practices: Your shoulders should be relaxed.
Yes, it could seem out of the ordinary. You will appear much more relaxed and at peace in your flesh. Consider attempting a 45-degree angle with the camera. Face it directly, and you'll have a wonderful ID card or mugshot, but probably not the ideal CV picture.
In contrast, an angled posture adds life and charm to the image. Lean on a surface. Using a railing, tabletop, doorframe, or even an open wall is a good idea. Doing this may make you less rigid, more dynamic, and even more fun.
If you don't feel comfortable with your hands at your sides, take hold of anything. This may make you feel more at ease, such as a cup, a book, a tablet, or a device.
3. Consider using a plain background
Even though humans are visual, there may be better uses of your talents than showcasing your magnificent wall art in a professional CV photo. The picture's background should recognise that you are the main topic.
Is it necessary to take your professional photo for your cv against a white background? Sometimes. The blander, the better, though. Consider light hues that make you stand out, such as off-white, cream, beige, or gray. Just match your clothing correctly.
4. Changing the background color of your CV photo
Even if you cannot obtain the ideal background at home, there is nothing to worry about. can make your resume photographs into neat, professional, and presentable images in only a few seconds. offers over 90+ backdrops that best fit your CV demands, so you won't have to spend hours editing your photographs to eliminate that irrelevant detail. Drag and drop your image to do this. To achieve this, do the following:
- Insert your photo by dragging it inside the tool. The background of your image will be erased in a matter of seconds.
- After that, choose the white backdrop under Edit > Color. Give your picture a perfect touch.
- To download the resume image to your desktop, click > Download. Use Google Docs or any photo editing program to crop the image so that only your head and shoulders are visible.
5. Look for your "tilt"
We've all wondered at some point why we appear attractive in selfies, in real life, and only in certain situations. Finding your "tilt" may be the key to taking a great professional photo for your CV (or any picture, for that matter). In reality, your "tilt" is your face's ideal angle.
To identify facial asymmetries, we suggest snapping a picture of yourself upside down: one of your eyes may appear more significant, or your jawline may appear narrower on one side. This would be your desired "tilt" and an excellent place to start.
Still in doubt? Consider tilting to the left. The left side of your face is seen to be more appealing than the right, according to research from Wake Forest University.
This is probably because the left side of your face (linked to your more emotional right-brain hemisphere) displays your feelings the most strongly, which contributes to how accessible and friendly you appear.
6. If you wish, smile
Do professional headshots and resume photographs require you to smile? Whatever helps you to relax and be at ease is the simple solution. Therefore, choose your preferred facial expression, whether a half-smile, a complete pearly-white dazzler, or something else.
What impact do you want to make on hiring managers with your professional CV photo? For some sectors, appearing serious and competent is essential. To avoid coming across as tense or unpleasant, don't let this cause you to hold your stance rigidly. A forced smile, on the other hand, is also unattractive. Spend some time becoming comfortable in front of the camera. Your natural attitude accurately captures who you are.
7. Stay away from the "ID card impact"
Your professional photo for your cv doesn't require an ID card effect. But here the question is, how can you include your photo without messing up with the text? The stunning, editable CV templates in Canva's library are an excellent fix. You can easily drag and drop photographs into a neat, expertly formatted CV with just a few clicks to show off your best attributes.
Your camera person will need to give you room if you're not working with a professional photographer. Extreme close-ups can make for funny memes, but they're terrible for resume pictures. General targets include your head, shoulders, and chest.
8. When applying for a job, dress appropriately
For a professional CV photo, what should you wear? Conducting yourself when you meet with potential employers like you would on a routine workday is a good idea. It's okay to break into a company's office to observe how its staff are dressed. Their company's website, social media posts, and LinkedIn profile are all excellent resources. For their employer branding initiatives, they use staff images that give you a sense of business culture.
When in doubt, opt for something simple, uncomplicated, and comforting. Do not underestimate the power of a piece of "non-industry" clothes. Even if you're aiming to work in an area that isn't semi-formal or conservative, a simple blazer may offer your professional photo for your CV a sense of confidence and authority.
Furthermore, it is a good idea to wear contrasting colors. For instance, if you wear a lighter shirt with a dark jacket, this contrast can help you stand out even more. Your appearance will be more approachable and friendly if you wear lighter shades. Lastly, your clothes should make you appear confident, comfortable, and strong in front of the camera.
9. Make use of high-quality photography
In any case, make sure you are using a high-resolution photograph for your resume. This is because a low-resolution photograph will be blurry when printed. It may seem quite decent on devices, but for a professional cv photo, it is recommended to quickly look out for the best resolutions for business headshots online and use that information as a reference for your picture.
How To Add A Picture To Your CV?
When adding a picture to your cv, many people need clarification about where to put the CV photo. It appears as a question mark on whether to put it on the right or the left. Well, it depends on how your cv is formatted. But we recommend putting it on the top of the first page.
If you appear to be leaning slightly to show off your attractive side in the photograph, the picture should be placed such that your nose is pointing toward the document rather than the other way around. When adding a photo to your CV, there are other considerations in addition to the positioning of the picture.
First and foremost, make sure the photo is of acceptable quality. A poor-quality photo will provide a poor impression of you. Additionally, it should only take up part of your resume; only include the necessary information. The size of your professional photo for your cv will depend on the structure and layout of your resume. Try to use only what is strictly essential to view the photo clearly at a glance.
When cropping the image, make sure that the image remains square. Moreover, keep the face dimensions the same. Avoid altering your face's length or breadth to perfectly match the area because this will make it appear somewhat distorted.
Should Your Resume Include A Full-body Bhoto?
Make things easy by posing for your CV images because it's best to exclude your full body shot unless your CV is intended for a modelling agency. Only some things on your resume must be judged by how you look.
The picture helps you get to know yourself better because a facial expression may reveal a lot about your personality. You won't be able to see your face as you should because of how much space it will take up.
How to take a professional photo for a cv has been covered in detail in this guide. We hope that by using a few tips, tricks, and best practices, you'll feel more at ease when taking pictures for professional CVs. Are you willing to utilize one of your photos as a template for a CV picture? To try it out, go to
What should be the size of a professional photo for cv?
The width of the image will be 35mm whereas the height will be 45mm.
Do I need to include a photo on my CV?
You shouldn't include a photo on your resume unless it adds value to the position. Recruiters didn't know from your photo if you can handle everyday chores, manage projects, cope with problems, or have past work experience.
Is it necessary to smile in my CV photo?
A. Putting a smile on your face while taking a professional photo for cv can leave a positive impact on the employer. Therefore, it is quite necessary to smile on your resume photo. To avoid appearing forced, make sure the smile is genuine.
Do CVs require signatures?
The signature adds a personal touch to a CV, however, it is still valid without it. Additionally, the legitimacy of the document is attested by your own signature, which also demonstrates that you are familiar with professional business communication norms.
Which CV format is ideal?
By far the most popular CV format is reverse chronological. It is the one which the hiring managers and recruiters use the most and are most familiar with. This structure puts the emphasis on your work history, with the most recent (or current) positions included at the top of the experience section. As she scrolls down the paper, the recruiter will view your most recent encounters first before reaching your oldest ones.
What makes a good professional photo?
A good professional photo should have a clear focus and be well-lit, with balanced exposure and sharpness. The composition should be well-framed and visually pleasing, with attention paid to details like background and color. The subject should be positioned appropriately and pose in a way that enhances the overall visual impact of the photo. Additionally, post-processing should be done to enhance the image quality without making it look artificial.